SEO takes longer than other marketing strategies, but the ROI is more significant.
SEO is a highly effective way to bring more visitors to your site. But it doesn’t work overnight. First, you have to write and optimize content for your website. Second, you have to make sure that your site follows the rules set by Google’s algorithms so that it ranks higher in search results. Finally, you need to adjust your SEO strategy, keywords, and content over time based on how your site is performing.
The goal is to build credibility with customers over time.
SEO is a long-term strategy. Benefits of SEO build over time. SEO is not a one-and-done; it’s an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustment. In fact, the field itself is constantly evolving as search engines update their algorithms and people change their behavior on the Internet. SEO consultants have spent years studying these changes to help companies get ahead of them before their competitors do. They know that even if you implement every single recommendation made by Google, there will still be more adjustments needed down the line—and they want you to know this too.
It’s also important to remember that search engines take time to index new pages and old ones. It’s not uncommon for pages not to appear until weeks or months after they’ve been created.
SEO has a much higher ROI than paid advertising.
Good things come to those who wait: SEO may be a long game, but it has a much higher ROI than paid advertising options. For one thing, SEO is less expensive. You can just put your website online and start building links to it. The costs can be minimal which is great for smaller companies with limited budgets.
Paid search advertising, by contrast, often requires an initial investment of up to $10K or more. And then there are costs for paid ads, usually based on impressions or clicks instead of leads or sales.
Paid search offers immediate results in the form of traffic spikes and conversions, which is great. But there’s no guarantee that those results will continue over time unless you keep paying for them and continually retarget your audience.
While SEO might seem like a daunting (and time-consuming) task, it’s worth it.
64% of marketers actively invest time in SEO. If your site has been optimized properly, you’ll reap the benefits over time as more people find their way there through searches on Google or other search engines. In other words: SEO is an investment in growing customer loyalty and traffic to your site—and one that’s well worth it.